Acupuncture for Women

Women’s health is an area of particular interest to me, and so I want to make it easy for women to seek help and find solutions to the myriad of health challenges they can face.

Women can struggle to balance their hormones, become a parent, survive the first few years of parenthood, and transition through various stages of life, both physically and emotionally.

Acupuncture for Menstrual Issues:

If you’ve struggled with painful periods, irregular periods, heavy periods, PMS or PMDD, PCOS, headaches or migraines during your period, or extreme fatigue around your period you may think these are common and, therefore, ‘normal’. This can leave many women with a feeling of dread around their periods, and a negative relationship with their bodies.

Acupuncture for period pain and irregularities

Acupuncture for Fertility:

If you’re struggling to conceive, perhaps in combination with one of the above concerns, it can become a heartbreaking and lonely experience. You may be in the early stages of exploring your concerns and taking your health into your own hands, or you may be further down the line, having IVF and wanting to support the process.

Fertility treatment Pregnancy

Acupuncture for Postpartum:

During pregnancy, women share their resources with the growing baby and, most likely, especially in the final months of pregnancy, they are not getting enough sleep to replenish these. Childbirth itself can be very tiring and after that there is usually a period of sleep deprivation. If a woman is breastfeeding, it can be a further drain on their body’s resources.

In Chinese medicine all of these factors will drain qi, yin and yang, and without support women can experience extreme physical symptoms such as fatigue or body aches and emotional symptoms such as postpartum depression or mood disorders.

With the right treatment you can recover more quickly and feel more balanced.

Hard to find the time for appointments when you have a baby? Look at my Child-friendly acupuncture appointments

Postpartum Support with Acupuncture and Reiki

Acupuncture for Menopause:

Hot flushes, night sweats, brain fog, forgetfulness, mood swings, weight gain, anxiety and depression are just a few of the symptoms women may experience during peri-menopause and menopause. We can’t stop the process but we can try to support your body through the transition and help to relive these symptoms.